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Holland Board of Public Works (HBPW) is a local public power provider. Living in the community that we serve makes you more than a customer of our utility – you are also an owner. We serve electricity to the City of Holland and surrounding townships (Holland Township, Park Township, Laketown Township and Fillmore Township).
Serving the community is HBPW’s top priority. Beyond providing reliable and affordable electric service, HBPW invests in strengthening and connecting the greater Holland area. Every dollar that we receive is invested back into the community.
As a public power provider, HBPW maintains local control, low rates and high reliability. Local governance gives community citizens a direct voice in our decisions and policy-making. HBPW facilitates economic development. The quality and affordability of our service attracts jobs that enrich the lives of people living in the greater Holland community.

HBPW is proud to be a Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3)®. RP3 is a designation from the American Public Power Association for providing reliable and safe electric service. The RP3 designation recognizes public power utilities that demonstrate proficiency in four key disciplines: reliability, safety, workforce development and system improvement. Criteria include sound business practices and a utility-wide commitment to safe and reliable delivery of electricity.
How We Measure Reliability: SAIDI and SAIFI
SAIDI and SAIFI are two of the indices use to measure distribution system reliability. These indices account for frequency, duration and number of customers affected in outages.
The System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) is the average outage duration for each customer served, and is calculated as:
SAIDI = The sum of all customer interruptions / total number of customers served. SAIDI is measured in units of time, often minutes or hours. It is usually measured over the course of a year.
The System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) is the average number of interruptions that a customer experiences, and is calculated as:
SAIFI = The total number of customer interruptions / total number of customers served. SAIFI is measured in units of interruptions per customer. It is usually measured over the course of a year.
We Rank Among the Best
Currently, 254 of the nation's more than 2,000 public power utilities hold an RP3 designation, with only around 100 achieving the highest rating--diamond status. HBPW has maintained diamond status since 2010, putting us with the most reliable in the nation. Our SAIDI and SAIFI performance measures are ranked among the most reliable electric utilities in Michigan.
Operating with efficiency and having a diverse portfolio of electric generation options allows Holland Board of Public Works to maintain rates that are affordable and among the lowest in the State of Michigan.
Additionally, HBPW has the ability to buy and sell power on the open market (a.k.a. the “grid”). Because the market price of electricity fluctuates, our staff monitors that pricing continuously. Based on market pricing, our team makes decisions on the dispatching of our generation resources and buying or selling of electricity to the market in order to ensure that our customers are receiving their electricity at the lowest possible cost.

Make Us Your Utility
Holland Board of Public Works provides competitive, reliable, and innovative public power solutions to the greater Holland area. We are looking to expand our reach within our service district. If you are building anywhere in Holland Township, Park Township, Laketown Township, or Fillmore Township, we could be your electric service provider.
Before construction begins, contact us for a consultation at 616.355.1500.
How It Works & More

Tree Trimming Program
When tall-growing trees are planted under and near utility lines, they can cause power outages and potentially injure or kill someone when the branches come in contact with wires.
Holland Board of Public Works has an extensive tree trimming program. Monarch Tree Services is contracted by HBPW to schedule and trim trees to keep them a safe distance from the overhead electric lines and to maximize the health of the trees.
Trees are trimmed on a minimum three year cycle.
Preventing Tree and Utility Conflicts
When planting a new tree, consider how large the tree will be when mature. If the mature height of the tree is greater than 15 feet, then it should not be planted within 15 feet on either side of overhead electric lines.
Many times, the root area of a tree is larger than the branch spread above ground. In areas where there is underground electrical service, trees planted near lines could have their roots damaged if the lines need to be dug up for repairs. One of the greatest dangers to underground lines is when new trees are planted and someone accidentally digs into an underground line. This can cause serious injury and a lengthy utility outage. Be sure to call MISS DIG at 811 before planting or digging.
Contact one of the local nurseries for help in selecting the right tree for the right place. If you have any questions or concerns, and need to speak with someone concerning tree trimming, or have a request for tree trimming, please call Holland BPW at 616.355.1500.